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5-MTHF: A Common Nutrient Deficiency That Will Cause Inflammation, Strokes, Alzheimer’s, Heart Attacks, Anxiety, And Depression.

5-MTHF: A Common Nutrient Deficiency That Will Cause Inflammation, Strokes, Alzheimer’s, Heart Attacks, Anxiety, And Depression.
About one in 7 people have a genetic deficiency that keeps them from converting folic acid to its final usable form. The genetic defect is...

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please use this product in a rational and informed manner. Illness or negative reactions can occur from individual sensitivities, allergic reactions, and excessive consumption. If you have an existing medical condition please consult a qualified healthcare practitioner before using any herb, or supplement.